Saturday, March 30, 2019

Russia, Russia, Russia (Russiagate Peddlers And Detractors Lack Objectivity)


Russiagate skeptics on the left and the right have spent the last seven days slow walking a victory lap regarding the Mueller Report concluding and stating no crimes of conspiracy were found and no further indictments would be levied.

Yes, the long awaited Mueller Report that Russiagate peddlers thought would be the north star that would rid us of Donald Trump and skeptics thought was a hoax and deep state conspiracy.

Well, both camps were wrong.

Before I go further I should acknowledge while I was never a Russiagate pusher I was not a hardlined skeptic neither. In the infant stages of the Mueller investigation I did lean more toward the idea that some Trump campaign officials (including Usay...errrr....I mean Donald Trump Jr) colluded in some way with Russia. Although, I never really believed Donald Trump aka Mango Unchained did himself.

I submitted several posts on Facebook and Twitter in the early stages of the investigation wondering aloud about many questionable statements and actions Trump and others had toward Russia and more specifically Putin. I still have those questions because they haven't been adequately addressed, if at all.

I say all of this not to distance myself from a side or as a means of revisionist history, but as to provide transparency before I get into the heart of this blog. Look, I didn't believe Trump directly explicitly conspired with Russian government to get elected but I possess an unfettered belief he, his business and his children (sans Tiffany and Baron, of course) have some unsavory and highly likely illegal ties to Russian oligarchs.

Now, let's get to the tea.

The Left has been ablaze with this Russiagate story for the last two years. Some on the Progressive Left such as Secular Talk's Kyle Kulinski, The Intercept's Glen Greenwald. The Young Turks' Jimmy Dore and independent journalist Micheal Tracey have said from day one the entire investigation was crap and was nothing more than a modern day "red scare". They have roasted Democrats and mainstream media for what they say is "red baiting" and pushing the Trump/Russia collusion angle as a means of deflecting culpability for the debacle that was the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. Also, they targeted ex-intelligence officials, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), The Atlantic's Natasha Bertrand, journalist Marcy Wheeler and MSNBC's Joy Ann Reid and Rachel Maddow as the biggest peddlers of what they feel is an insidious misleading conspiracy.

You know what? They are right! They are also lacking objectivity.

Here is the thing. Wheeler, Maddow and Reid went over the top with Russia coverage.

As Micheal Tracey pointed out on Twitter Marcy Wheeler burned FBI contacts over this story.

Joy Ann Reid's "AM Joy" was dominated by Russiagate coverage. Former military intel officer Malcolm Nance and journalists (the aforementioned) Bertrand and Sarah Kenzidor were guests literally almost every weekend on the show. Sometimes they would be on both the Saturday and Sunday shows.

And, then there is Maddow. Now, look, I love Rachel Maddow and have since her days on Air America. But, Lawd Jesus, girl was consumed with the Mueller investigation like it was Tristan Thompson cheating on Khloe Kardashian with Jordyn Woods! (And, hey! Don't judge me because I even know about Khloe and Tristan...Ok, you can judge me a little.)

Maddow did some helluva good reporting on Trump's seedy financial ties to Russian oligarchs. She highlighted Erik Prince's trifiliness and his attempts to privatize the wars in Syria and Afghanistan.

However, Rachel's entire show or at least the first half of it became engulfed with Russiagate. Maddow, whom was once seen as a leading Progressive voice because she focused on government corruption and illegal wars, basically ignored Yemen, Syria and Trump's other more tangible criminality such as emoluments violations, bank fraud and tax evasion. When she did touch on the latter it was always in reference to Russia.

So, how do the Russiagate leftist skeptics lack objectivity you're probably wondering?

Well, let's begin with the four page summary Attorney General William Barr released March 23rd. We now know the full Mueller Report is almost 400 pages long. So, a four page summary that didn't quote one full sentence from Special Counsel Robert Mueller seems at the very least odd.

Russiagate skeptics are claiming vindication for their skepticism because "there was zero collusion and Trump was found to not have committed a crime". However, according to Barr's summary that is not exactly true. AG Barr's summary says "evidence could not be established that Trump, his campaign nor anyone associated with the campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government" and regarding obstruction of justice "no crime was committed but Mueller could not exonerate the President". While criticism is and will be levied over the parsing of words, words and word structure matter. An entire industry of publicists, press secretaries and spinners thrive because they have unique talents in how they structure statements to be beneficial toward their clients.

So, that begs the question why didn't Mueller exonerate Trump on obstruction? Also, what does "evidence could not be established" mean regarding collusion? That is decidedly different from saying there is no evidence.

Of course, the full un-sanitized report being released would answer these questions.

But, the problem is Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, is doing everything he can to block the report's release, which is peculiar if Trump is a totally innocent man. AG Barr has said the report will be released but only after the White House reviews it first. Seriously!

I am just going to say it appears perhaps the report contains some facts that place the president in a quite unfavorable light.

And, while all of the detractors are publicly saying the report should be released to the public, they are also saying people are making too much of Barr's summary and McConnell's subsequent actions. However, the questioning of Barr's actions are salient. It was Bill Barr who recommended to Daddy Bush to pardon all of the principal players in the Iran-Contra scandal. Among those pardoned was Elliott Abrams, the current envoy to Venezuela. Yes, the same Elliott Abrams whom the Left has lit up and who is guilty of war crimes and was explicitly involved in the United States sanctioned atrocities in Central America throughout the 1980s. So, yeah, anything this dude does that appears to be covering up should be side-eyed.

Oh, let's not even mention Barr's 19 page memorandum a year ago which decried the Mueller investigation and essentially said a sitting president cannot obstruct justice. By the way Mueller basically punted on making the call whether to bring obstruction charges against Trump and left up to Barr who decided to end all inquiries. Nothing fishy there.

Hey, understand I understand where the Michael Traceys, Kyle Kulinskis and Jimmy Dores are coming from. Their primary contention (or at least one of them) is that Russiagate took away from focus on policies and the more salient corruption in the Trump administration. I agree.

They say people in the media and political class became so consumed with conspiracy and the idea that Trump was a traitor they lost perspective and objectivity. I concur.

Where I veer away is the paranoia that Democrats were trying to initiate war with Russia. I never heard one person advocate for that. Basically, that kind of rhetoric is propagandist except on the other end of the scale. I mean is war with Russia really a legit concern?

Also, I acknowledge there are people (Rachel Maddow) who are hanging onto this story. I fully realize there are disingenuous players here. But, that doesn't mean real legitimate tangible unanswered questions that still exist.

If there was no underlying crime, why did so many people lie about Russian contacts? Micheal Flynn, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, Jeff Sessions, Donald Trump Jr, Jared Kushner, Roger Stone, Jerome Corsi and George Papadopoulos  all provably lied. Why?

Now, before anyone gets all pissy I'm not implying there really is collusion. But, there is certainly something amiss. Surely, we all can concede that.

Another question is what role did Trump attempting to build a Trump Tower Moscow play into all this?

While Trump has certainly did things that are seemingly hostile to Putin's interest, why does he capitulate to him so much? Why all the secret phone calls? In Helsinki why did "Mr. Alpha Male" become such a beta cuck toward Putin?

I believe it's because Putin likely has dirt on him or some financial hold just like Israel and Saudia Arabia does. Follow the money.

Lastly, I do find it interesting that one detail from Barr's summary of the Mueller Report is being overlooked and/or downplayed, which is it was determined Russia did interfere in the 2016 election. I'll concede this to the detractors. We do the same shit. We do!

However, another main contention of Russiagate opponents is that there either was no interference or it didn't matter. Well, again, we now know it happened. Those downplaying it are speaking from hopeful conjecture because until we see the report we don't really know the extent of the interference.

As for it not mattering, I think that is incorrect. Hey, Hillary Clinton's campaign made mistakes a sophmore running for high school class president would not have made. She was an awful candidate with an arrogant dumbass running it. But, several other factors coupled with sheer incompetence played into her losing.

And, allow me to say this to anyone on the left or right talmbout the "deep state". If there was really a "deep state" conspiracy against Trump, Mango Unchained wouldn't be president right now. Can we please use some commonsense?!

President Obama could have given the FBI permission, which they wanted, to announce there was an investigation before the election. He easily could have not given one fuck what Mitch McConnell said. And, before anyone comes at me with "the will of the people overrode the 'deep state' efforts, just stop. Essentially, Trump won the electoral college by 77,000 votes. Do you really believe if the Obama administration had told the public about Russian interference, as the FBI wanted to do, that a narrative of "Trump could be a Russian asset" wouldn't erased that 77,000 vote deficit?

So, again, if they wanted to stop Trump, they would have.

For the Russiagate detractors your entitled to your victory lap I suppose but until the Mueller Report is released I would hold off on that champagne bath.

For the Russiagate peddlers it's time to move on. Let Congress do its job.

Focus on the 2020 election. We have 843 candidates. Let's choose the best one,
congeal around a coherent policy soaked and driven message and do our job at the ballot box.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

The Silence Is Loud, Clear And Complicit!

As I went through the day yesterday I began to notice it was a day like several other days. Yes, it was sunny and modestly cool. It was another Friday that seemed like it was never going to arrive as the climax to another long work week. Traffic was an extraordinary pain in the ass, which is often characteristic of Fridays.

Also, it was another day highlighted by a horrific event at the hands of a white nationalist/rightwing extremist.

And, like every other such day my Facebook news feed and Twitter timelines were silent. The "good" folks and moral majority who seem to post frequently about the left , the media and the "attacks" on religion and faith were quiet as church mice. I mean not a peep.

A white nationalist walked into two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand killing 49 innocent people and wounding many more all while livestreaming the horrible massacre and nary a damn word was uttered or typed from the decent folk. No "What a horrible tragedy" or "Pray for New Zealand" or not even a cursory half-hearted "Thoughts and prayers".

It was very reminiscent of Charlottesville. As the events unfolded the night before and throughout the day I didn't see or hear anyone denouncing the white nationalist rally. The only comments I was told and saw expressed concern that the Robert E Lee statue was being removed and the apologist party line of "They're (the protestors) just protesting the removal of history." Of course, there was no adequate defense for, if that was the case, why were they chanting "Jew will not replace us", "Blood and soil", "White Lives Matter" and "White pride".

The atrocious day ended with a white nationalist driving his car into a crowd of anti-protestors killing 33 year old Heather Heyer. Yet, not even that sparked a comment denouncing the hate rally let and alone Heather Heyer's murder.

Just a few months ago two elderly African-Americans were shot in cold blood at a Kroger's grocery store in Louisville, Kentucky. One of them was shot directly in front of his 12 year old grandson. The shooter, a white supremacist, shot the two seniors after first attempting to break into a black church to shoot everyone inside.

Not a word was said. Facebook and Twitter were pretty quiet that day as well.

Then, there was the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting. A white nationalist fueled by anti-immigrant rhetoric from the right including the President decided to shoot and kill 11 people while they were in the synagogue praying. He specifically cited rhetoric from the President and Fox News whom propagated a bullshit conspiracy that liberal billionaire, George Soros, and other Jews were funding caravans filled with Central and South American refugees as the reason for his evil unspeakable attack.

Again, not a fucking word or post was put forth. However, interestingly enough, the same bullshit conspiracy theories about Soros and other Jews funding the caravans had littered my Facebook news feed and Twitter feed for weeks including the morning of the mass murder. Yet, I barely saw even an insincere espousal of condolences.

I could share so many more examples, but my blood pressure is high enough from the anger, disgust and disappointment I feel.

So many of these people clutch their pearls and act as if they are deeply offended anytime someone implies they are bigoted/racist or apologists for bigotry/racism. They become incensed saying, "How dare you!"

But, I'm saying, "How dare YOU!" How hard is it to condemn ostensible evil and hatred? How hard is it to repudiate racism?

The silence forces people to wonder. Do you not think these acts are evil? Do you not repudiate racism because you are racist yourself?

Save the indignation! Spare me your pearl clutching! And, squash the what-aboutism and false equivalencies you're about to spew forth! I'm not the one, damnit!

These are beyond fair questions. And, they're questions that only arise because of the silence.

See, here is the problem you don't see or don't wanna see.

You can't squawk on social media and in person all day about every insulting thing some dope on the left says; you can't immediately pick up your phone and start typing whenever an radical Islamic extremist commits terrorism; you can't bitch about every time Black Lives Matter blocks traffic during protest; and you can't post with some inane sense of validation whenever an undocumented immigrant commits a violent crime, but when a white nationalist shoots innocent people of color, shoots Muslims or espouses virulent bigotry go radio silent. All of a sudden you can step away from social media. Uh-huh! That ain't workin!

It is immensely telling when certain people can rant incessantly about Jussie Smollett demanding he spend the rest of his life in jail but don't say a damn word about a white nationalist killing 49 people.

What Smollett did was reprehensible and I think he should be put in jail for it. But, can we have some fucking perspective here? He set up a fake hate crime to force his employer to give him more money. The ill-conceived idiotic scheme aside it was a crime, by the way, nobody was jailed for except the people who actually had involvement in the hoax.

On the other hand, this asshat in New Zealand murdered 49 people in cold blood. He spewed vitriolic and toxic rhetoric. He is totally unremorseful.

Yet, many folks seem to be way more upset about Smollett than the New Zealand mosque murderer! Yeah, that is going to make me side-eye you!

I am sure I know what part of the problem is here. In several of these situations the President has been implicitly connected. And, God forbid the President be criticized in any manner. Well, you know what, his rhetoric certainly has not helped matters. The same can be said for Fox News.

Instead of becoming defense what about some introspection. How about looking at the rhetoric and seeing if it goes too far.

This dude in New Zealand specifically said in his manifesto rightwing rhetoric in the United States helped shape his ideology. He cited the President has a symbol of white pride. He said Candace Owens is the greatest influence on his radicalization. And, yes, it's possible he was being facetious regarding Stacey Dash's handmaiden but I suggest researching Candace's comments on Islam. I tend to think, unfortunately, he was being sincere.

Regardless, the same rhetoric that fills my respective timelines each day is the same garbage that helped radicalized this dude. That is fact. Don't take my word for it. Read his own words.

People love to say they are not racist, bigoted, homophobic, Islamaphobic or xenophobic. It is easy to say but when it is time to cash the check yo mouf has written things become a bit more complex.

Don't tell me you disavow white nationalism but bend over backwards to be apologists for it. LET ME BE CLEAR! Do not come at me with the "mental illness" crap! Hell no! Whenever the perpetrator is black or brown they are a thug or terrorist. But, when it's a white dude perpetrating the atrocities it's, "He must be mentally ill." Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. Here.

This dude carefully planned and orchestrated this attack. He took out time to write a 74 page manifesto. He's a coldblooded killer! STOP IT!

What happened yesterday has me angry. But, what incenses me more is the silence from the folks who love to act as if they are the moral majority and the Godly ones. Well, start acting like it.

Racism and virulent hate isn't hard to denounce. Is it? If people can fill their social media feeds with shitting all over Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, progressive taxes, climate change, women's reproductive rights and Colin Kaepeenick surely they could squeeze in a post or two repudiating a white supremacist and extending sympathy toward those who are victims of his hate.

Whether you don't think it is nor want it to be the silence is revealing and complicit.


Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Yes, Westbrook Was Wrong, But I Understand

Yes, Russell Westbrook is a hothead. Yes, he can be oversensitive. And, of course, Westbrook was wrong in the manner he responded to the fan in Utah. But, I empathize.

It is well known by now last night Oklahoma City Thunder point guard, Russell Westbrook, was involved in a verbal altercation with a fan in Salt Lake City during a game versus the Utah Jazz.

Westbrook was seen on video saying to a fan, "I'll fuck you up. You and your wife."

After the game Russ explained (in his defense) that the fan said to him, "Get on your knees like you're used to." Westbrook went on to say the fan's wife repeated the statement, which is what precipitated him to go on a profanity laced tirade which featured the aforementioned comment directed toward the fan and his wife.

The fan, who was ejected from the game, said later that he said to Westbrook (which was not caught on video), "Ice your knee...Sit down and ice your knee." He (the fan) further added that Westbrook, whom he said was "one of the game's greats" gratuitously dropped f-bombs toward him and had no business threatening a woman and the fact he did showed he was "classless".

Sounds pretty bad for Westbrook, huh? He seems to be coming across as an ass, right? Well, not so fast. Most incidents have context, and this one is no different.

The identity of the fan was discovered. This discovery led to research of his social media which revealed a pretty virulent disdain for Westbrook specifically and a disgusting vitriolic racism toward African-Americans. I know. Shocking, right?!

So, what began to become apparent is it's likely this fan had an agenda when he arrived for the game. It was also becoming obvious that Westbrook's side of the story likely carried more weight than his.

This actually bore itself out to be true when this afternoon the Jazz announced the fan, whose name I will not mention because he deserves no credible attention, was banned for life from not only Utah Jazz games but also from any event at the arena. The Jazz said after reviewing the tape and assessing eye witness accounts the fan was verbally abusive and vulgar toward Westbrook.

Now, does this vindicate Russ? Well, yes and no.

Let me be clear. Russ' reaction was completely wrong; however, it was understandable. But, Russ' side of the story was validated.

This incident highlights why I love sports but I loathe fans. Unfortunately, way too many people believe because they pay for tickets, concessions and parking it entitles them to behave in any way they want. They really believe that admission grants them impunity to say whatever they want. Also, some fans are convinced they "pay these guys salaries" which means the players are obligated to silently take their shit.

This is simply not true. In fact, the argument is specious and delusional.

Of course, heckling is apart of the fan experience. Some players and coaches actually enjoy it. Y'all remember the dude in Washington D.C. who was infamous for his heckling especially of Michael Jordan? Old schoolers like me will never forget when he read passages from "Jordan Rules" to Jordan while he rested on the bench.

However, while heckling can be entertaining (even if it might be annoying to some players), abuse is not acceptable. Bringing families and kids into it is not cool. Saying inappropriate shit with possible racial overtones like, "Get on your knees like you're used to" crosses the line and is worthy of an ass whoopin!

Now, I'm not advocating players should physically assault fans but these guys are only human. As Chris Rock once said, "Nobody is above an ass whoppin. Doesn't mean you should do it. Shit, there's a reason to push an old man down the stairs if he says the wrong thing. You just shouldn't do it."

And, again, I'm not condoning what Russ said. When he responded to this jackass he didn't know about this dude's social media and racism. However, this dude's social media and racism gives context to not only what he said but likely the tone and tenor he employed when he made the comment. So, when Russell heard the fool he easily could've discerned the spirit the comment was made in.

And, it's unquestionable when you couple the fan's social media with his, shall we say, disingenuous tone in the post game comments his intent was apparent, if not blatantly obvious.

And, I heard this nonsensical half-assed defense today from Doug Gottlieb (whom I like), which I am sure others also employed, that we "aren't sure the tweets are his". STFU! Yes we are!

The dude said the reporting of his social media was "fake news" but he offered no assertions that the Twitter and Facebook accounts linked to the comments weren't his. In fact, he took down his social media accounts and then later put them back up with the same garbage posts. Besides, his utilization of the term "fake news" says everything I need to know about this asshat.

Oh, and can we please address the elephant in the room, which to be fair to Gottlieb, he rightfully acknowledged. Utah has a reputation for having more than the usual quota of racist fans. Like Boston, it's a well earned reputation based upon empirical evidence.

Also, this is not the first incident in Salt Lake City Russ has endured. And, it's not even close to an isolated incident with NBA players.

Truth is such incidents occur far too often across the sports landscape. Whether it's racism or lewdness or evoking of family members way too many fans feel entitled and emboldened to take their heckling next level and into the gutter. It is disgusting.

And, quite frankly, it is ideal to expect the athletes and coaches to stay above the fray. But, it's not realistic.

As Charles Barkley once said in an interview with Bob Costas, "I am an athlete, but I am a human first." It's unrealistic to except anything more. However, it's not unrealistic to except fans to be humans first before trolls.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Tucker Carlson Is A Misogynist! (Also, Shit Stinks)

So, my favorite Fox News host, Tucker Carlson, is taking some heat because he made some extremely misogynistic comments on multiple appearances on the Bubba The Love Sponge Show a few years ago. He also made some grotesque and creepy comments about child rape and sexual relations between adults and teenagers.

I can't understand why people are so shocked. What really perplexes me is why people are shocked many rightwingers are defending him. Where have y'all been the last 20 years?

Tucker said women are "primitive" and insinuated they're not sophisticated so they're easy to understand. He also said women actually want men to tell them what to do, which not so subtly suggested women want to be submissive.

He lamented the rape shield laws saying they were "unfair" to men. Tucker espoused the trope of women tend to lie about sexual assault by bemoaning the "unjust" aspect of rape shield laws that provide accusers anonymity while "ruining the life" of the accused. Now, it should be noted 98% of reported sexual assault accusations are proven to be not false. But whatevs, right.

Additionally, according to Carlson, adult female teachers who engaged in sexual activity with male students were "doing 13 year old girls a favor".

Tucker, of course, responded with contrition and exhibited some regret over these abhorrent comments. No, I'm kidding. In the spirit of his "daddy", Mango Unchained, he doubled down and became defiant. He responded to the Washington Post's request for comment by releasing a statement that essentially flippantly downplayed his comments. He said he could apologize for using some "naughty words" but instead he referred people to watch his show, listen to his views and decide for themselves what they think.

Well, I have actually done that. I have watched Tucker's act for the last 15 years or so. I go back with him to his days on MSNBC when he was sporting that stupid bowtie looking like an insufferable nerd. And, what I thought of him then is what I think of him now.

Tucker Carlson is a smug, dickish, misogynistic, racist, xenophobic douchebag! He is a rich preppy bullshitin asshole.

However, he is good at what he does. He speaks in an elitist stuffy tone so he's seen as "intellectual". Actually, Tucker is intelligent but he is a dumbass because of his myopic bigoted views.

I have said before (in this very space) that Tucker is head and shoulders above the other gasbags, fear mongers and propagandists Fox News calls journalists and commentators. He cloaks his bullshit in fake populism and rhetoric that sounds like he's looking out for the regular guy. He lathers his xenophobia, racism and sexism in fake patriotism sprinkled with specious commentary, false equivalencies and red herrings. Tucker pretends to be "fair and balanced" while being blatantly biased and propagandist.

Unlike the hacks who follow him every night he isn't naked with his craven fuckery. It's like this. Tucker is the movie "producer" who produces these films that feature a "storyline" and defined characters who just happen to become intimate on screen. People like Sean Hannity and Jeanine Pirro are shameless producers who produce pornography that is raw and unapologetic.

In reality all of them have the same goal which is to produce movies displaying people getting nasty. Tucker just likes to pretend his is a love story. Hannity and Pirro, on the other hand, remove the veneer and are like, "Hey, it's not a love story. It's just some freaks gettin down!"

So, Tucker Carlson is what he is. His comments to Bubba The Love Sponge are in no way shocking or disconcerting because Tucker is an asscrumb and always has been. He is a misogynist. He props up rape culture. And, if you have watched two hours of his horseshit show you know this!

And, while I feel the people who found and released these tapes, their efforts are in vain. Fox News doesn't care. And, they don't care because his audience doesn't care.

They are not offended by this. Misogyny and seemingly an apologist defense of statutory rape aren't deal breakers for them. Did you forget whom they voted for president? Have you seen how they respond to the things the President says and does?

Tucker's audience and fans don't support him despite his bigotry, sexism and misogyny. They support him because of it!

Saturday, March 9, 2019

The Misogyny Subculture: Summary (Part 7)

For some, perhaps many, the term "misogyny subculture" seems a bit paradoxical. Cynics would say misogyny doesn't need a subculture because it is ostensibly pervasive in the mainstream. That view is fair, if not objectively true.

However, a subculture does exist. It exists mainly because those who are in the subculture feel they are outcasts and marginalized. While many believe patriarchy, sexism and misogyny are still rampant within society those in this subculture feel feminism has taken over every aspect of society. Thus, they believe an orchestrated precision effort has been undertaken to suppress masculinity and render men unnecessary, if not eradicate them all together. Because of this belief, they feel an underground grassroots movement is necessary to stem the tide of feminism and all its tentacles.

In the previous installments of the series the various groups within the subculture have been discussed and dissected. We went over the incels, mgtow, crypto-misogynists and pick-up artists. What is interesting about these various groups is that they each have a slightly nuanced viewpoint of women and the world.

Mgtow harbor the majority of their vitriol for feminists while incels tend to direct their disdain toward women in general and assume they are all femimists.

Crypto-misogynists are more likely to come across as "nice guys" on the surface which actually allows them to be more assimilated within general society. This provides them the necessary room to espouse their disdain for feminism through veiled political ideological stances and cloak it with "they're just an old fashioned guy looking for an old fashioned gal".

The exception to this rule of despising feminism is the pick-up artist (pua). The pua ideology is not based on feminism being the root of all evil. Whereas the other groups attempt to hide the ball under the sole guise of "feminism has gone to far", pick-up artists drop the pretense revealing they're fueled by pure unadulterated objectification. Their single goal is to sex as many women as possible by any means necessary.

Objectification is the key. Yes, the other groups detest feminism and women's liberation. They bemoan society changing to appreciate and acknowledge women's contributions and necessary prevalent roles. They loathe the fact women are becoming seen as equal and worthy. But, make no mistake about it the base of the misogyny is sex.

Regardless the subgroup within the subculture they fundamentally believe women are obligated to date them and give up the cobbler. One of their primary issues with feminism is they believe feminism has "brainwashed" women into believing they can be be overly picky when it comes to sexual partners (God forbid, right). Some believe feminism encourages women to become lesbians, which is an excuse they'll use to attack the LGBTQ community.

This belief is where hypergamy or the 80/20 rule comes into play. Hypergamy states 80% of women ("beckys" as they are called) only seek romantic and/or sexual partners from the top 20% of men ( "chads" or "tyrones"). Basically, these "beckys" are dating above their physical attractiveness and socioeconomic level. This causes the vast majority of men to be ignored and neglected which is a cornerstone of incel ideology.

Now, because of hypergamy incels claim they are forced into involuntary celibacy. They say because beckys essentially don't know their place it's causing incels to go sexless and the natural order (God's order) to be distorted and ultimately destroyed.

This leads to the red pill/black pill philosophy, which is loosely based on The Matrix. If a dude takes the red pill he is choosing to see the world as it really is. That basically means the dude understands feminism is the root of all evil, women are vain and shallow and feminists' main goal is male genocide. However, while their view is nihilistic, hope to reverse course still remains.

If a dude takes the black pill he realizes all hope is lost. Incels are destined to never be with a woman. The feminists have won and it's only a matter of time before they completely take over. Black pills are fatalistic which causes them to be suicidal and sometimes homicidal.

Now, there is another pill they believe in which is the blue pills. Blue pills are guys whom choose to see the world as they want to see it. Incels and mgtow refer to these guys as "cucks". They believe cucks are suckers who get seduced by beckys and "staceys" (the top 20% of women) who marry them, have some kids and eventually leave them for a chad taking the cucks' kids and money.

The anti-cuck is mgtow. Mgtow have sworn off women except for the occasional casual sexual encounter. They refuse to get into any relationship with women let alone have children.

Here's the thing. This subculture sounds crazy, cooky and a plethora of losers. It is. But, it's also dangerous. It's not dangerous just because it's sexist, misogynistic and possesses a virulent disdain for women especially feminists but not exclusively feminists.

Possibly its most potent danger lies in its' speciousness.  A hint of truth does exist in some of the things incels and mgtow say. Some women are shallow. Some women do use good men up and throw them away like trash when they're done. Some women do only like jerks and pseudo-alpha males. And, some women literally lie like it's an skilled art form. However, this is not true of most women.

Misogyny subculture targets teenage boys and middle aged "average" men. For most teenagers life is difficult when it comes to dating. Boys who are not particularly good looking or doesn't have a high social status have a difficult time getting girls to notice them. If this rejection is repetitive and frequent, it is very easy for resentment, anger and self-hate to settle in.

And, this is when incels, mgtow and crypto-misogynists often swoop in with a shoulder to cry on. After a few months of indoctrination the boy has become radicalized and he's on Twitter or Twitch taking all his frustration out on women calling them sluts and whores. A few more months later he is ranting about feminism and women want to genocide men.

The same general concept can happen to middle aged men. Take a guy who thinks he has the ideal life and he hit the jackpot because he has a beautiful wife and a couple of kids. Next thing he knows he only sees his kids every other weekend and he's basically penniless because his wife left him for an alpha male and took everything he worked for.

These misogynists lurk around the dude wooing him into an online group or even indoctrinating him in person. Before you know it he's radicalized, swearing off all women and generally referring to them as bitches and hoes.  

And, it goes without saying these examples are not indicative of most women. But, that is not the point. These groups propagandize. They take advantage of the vulnerable. Misery loves company.

But, when I say they're specious, this is what I mean. These type examples occur often enough that bad actors can strawman the situation and began radicalizing guys. This is especially true of adolescent and teenage boys who are already vulnerable and impressionable.

The misogyny subculture is real. It is more pervasive and influential than people realize and/or want to believe. Yes, society is getting so much better in its attitude toward women but misogyny and sexism still exist and unfortunately in abundance. This lays a foundation that incels and mgtow can work with the drag boys and men down into the fever swamps.

This platform doesn't necessarily provide the space for the expansiveness of this topic. But, patriarchy plays a huge role. Religious fundamentalism plays another role.

Also, don't discount the influence of alt-right political ideology. The innate response is to recoil from the mention of politics. However, political ideology cannot be ignored. It is fuel injector for mgtow and crypto-misogynist. It eventually impacts the way incels view the world.

Bear in mind these misogynists see feminism as an existential threat. As an adjacent they see progressivism, diversity, inclusion and liberal ideology as a threat as well. So, politics is apart of this.

And, this subculture harbors people of various backgrounds, but the majority of these guys are heterosexual white males. That is just a fact. Another fact is the vast majority of these guys along with being misogynists are also racist, homophobic, xenophobic and virulently transphobic.

It's understandably easy to dismiss these dudes as losers, jerks and bitter assholes but it is imperative to emphasize just how dangerous and influential they are. They are pervasive on social media and online. Like any other nefarious group they're looking for people to radicalize. They're toxic and spiteful and they thoroughly enjoy demeaning and harassing women.

Lastly, this is not necessarily true of pua but keep them in their proper context. They are not driven by a particular ideology or irrational hatred of feminism. However, some view them as the most toxic of the subculture groups. This is because they are every bit as misogynistic as the others and they possess a callousness toward women which often leads to emotional and physical damage. Pick-up artists are literally predators. Just because most engage in consensual sex doesn't mean they are not predatory.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

The Misogyny Subculture: Pickup Artists (Part 6)

Every family, group and community has outliers-black sheep one could say. Within the misogyny subculture those black sheep are pickup artists or "PUA".

PUA is a community of men whose primary life goal is to "pick-up" or "romance" as many women as possible with the sole purpose of having sex. They have zero interest in any type of serious relationship. It is completely about sexual conquests.

Now, pick-up artists typically aren't apart of the 20% (from the 80/20 rule). Rather, they are often former incel sympathizers or just "regular dudes".

So, that begs the question how are they able to pick-up women?

Well, pick-up artists employ an approach they claim is scientific. They say it's about sociobiology. According to their philosophy women react to certain physical attributes but also react to specific social cues and mental/emotional manipulation.

PUA believe in crafting their presentation, which they call "game". First, improving one's physical appearance is key. They refer to it as "outer game".  The way to improve the outer game is to change the wardrobe, workout and improve personal hygiene.

Doing this (they say) will lead to a more potent "inner game". Inner game is exactly what it implies, which is improving self-esteem and confidence.

Once, these improvements are enacted guys will be able to actually fine tune their approach and their seduction.

You're probably thinking, "Ok. This actually sounds like good advice. Sure, the goal of sleeping with as many women as possible is a bit douchebaggy but what is the problem really?"

And, that is a fair point. It is actually what I thought too. It is certainly a point pua make. In fact, they frequently turn this advice into a lucrative business on the lecture and workshop circuits and on YouTube where their videos get massive views which results in huge monetization.

 But, of course, there are caveats and very substantive tangible reasons these guys are apart of the misogyny subculture.

Pick-up artists, unlike their brethren, aren't ideologues. They do not necessarily harbor an intense resentment of women. They are not red pills who believe women are out to conduct male genocide. Nor do pua have an irrational abhorrence for feminists.

However, pick-up artists do possess disdain and disregard for women. They view women as points in a contest or as objects to be conquered and subsequently discarded.

And, here is where pua's misogyny is most illuminated. As has been established, the only end goal is to seduce a woman into sex. Unfortunately, there are no principled guidelines or tethered structures as to how that is achieved.

Pick-up artists are notorious for having no shame in their game. They will do whatever it takes to get the pudding. If that means they feel it's necessary to lead a woman into believing an actual serious relationship is possible they'll do it knowing they have zero intentions of that. If it entails preying on emotionally vulnerable or unstable women , they will do it.

A well-known tactic that pua employ is negging. Negging is the practice of giving backhanded compliments or simply just being an ass. It is supposed to be a form of reverse psychology. For example a guy practicing negging will say, "You have great breasts! They can't be real. " The basic principle is women actually respond more favorably to men who
 ignore them or mildly insult them. Allegedly negging weakens women's defenses making them more vulnerable to seduction. Negging can also be employed against a woman's significant other instead of her with the same goal in mind.

(Side note: If negging disgusts you, it should. But, I can tell you I have personally witnessed it be successful in both methods [against the woman and her significant other in her presence].)

Some pua take it to the extremes, also. If running game doesn't work, some will resort to coercion or rape.

Pick-up artists essentially view women as commodities. Or, even more crassly they see women as prey. They checkout out the scene. They approach them. They lure them into the trap. Then, they kill it, so to speak. And, they move on with no remorse nor regard for the carnage they might left behind.

This callous attitude is why many people especially feminists believe pick-up artists are the most toxic among the misogyny subculture groups. Sure, they don't appear as misogynistic as let's say mgtow or as nihilistic and virulent as incels or as demeaning and slut shaming as crypto-misogynists; however, they are every bit as dangerous. They use whatever they have to do to entice women into sex then often leave them emotionally and mentally scarred. Sometimes their manipulation is physical.

But, why are pick-up artists considered the black sheep of the subculture? Well, let's begin with incels. Some incels (red pills) buy into what pick-up artists are selling.

However, many incels (red and black pills) think pick-up artists are selling false hope and more importantly betraying the ideology. Let's not forget incels' entire existence is predicated on the belief they are forcibly celibate because they possess certain physical and/or financial shortcomings that doom them to a lonely life and feminism is so pervasive within society that either a miraculous shift would have to occur or that shift is never coming. Oh, and we can't neglect the "reality" that 80% of "females" are vain vapid bitches and hoes whom are only interested in chads or beta males/cucks they can use and then throw away. (NOTE: Be VERY wary of any dude who primarily or exclusively refers to women as "females". This likely is an indicator they don't possess a generally favorable view of women. IJS) So, needless to say some dudes saying that if these incels just worked out; showered; and realized Aqua-Fresh isn't only good for cheap caulking they would get a little taste of pudding, is antithetical to the party line.

While some incels distrust pua, mgtow and crypto-misogynists detest them! Mgtow and crypto-misogynists believe pick-up artists are nothing less than snake oil salesmen. They believe pua's techniques and purporting of sociobiology is pseudoscience. (BTW they're correct; it largely is.) Essentially, they think pick-up artists are grifter blue pills selling false hope, pathetically naive to the insidious evil of feminism and who are liars because their "conquests are few and far between" regardless what their bragging says.

Pick-up artists believe mgtow are " simply pathetic losers who have no game and can't handle rejection". Their opinion of incels is a bit softer. They believe incels are losers too, but they "wallow in their pity because other incels and mgtow have encouraged them to do so." Most pua feel if incels just followed their advice they would having sex all the time.

Very similar to the other groups pua uses the internet as their main communication tool. They cluster in online groups and forums they call "lairs". They utilize these lairs to swap "trade secrets" and brag about conquests.

It should come as no surprise that within the confines of the lairs the misogyny and virulent rhetoric increases. I pointed out earlier that pua doesn't come across as misogynistic and hateful as the other groups and that is generally true. They are not likely to pervade Twitter, Twitch or Redditt with spiteful venomous name calling and harassing women. But, in the privacy of the lairs the name calling and disparaging is quite present. And, it does occasionally seep out into more public and well trafficked platforms. Especially in the form of negging.

Pick-up artists might be viewed as the illegitimate sons of the misogyny subculture but they are apart of it nonetheless. No, they don't wallow in self-pity like incels. They are not hateful pious jackasses like mgtow. Nor are they sanctimonious sexists like crypto-misogynists. Make no mistake though, they are every bit as misogynistic.

Women are literally nothing more than a piece of ass. They virtually see women in three categories: women they've fucked; women they haven't fucked yet; and, women they don't deem worthy of fucking. And, they will literally do whatever it takes to get the ass regardless what it is.

That attitude and approach itself is quintessential misogyny.


R. Kelly Is Trash!

NEW VIDEO! R. Kelly is a trash human being. Why are we still giving him space?!