Thursday, July 30, 2020


The discussion around cancel culture has been in the news a lot lately. It has overshadowed its brother, snowflakery.

These two things are closely adjacent. But, snowflkery is more this form of informal censorship than it is deeming someone "toxic" like cancel culture does.

Snowflake was the buzzword a couple of years ago. It is a term rightwingers and alt-righters use to describe anyone they view as liberal who become easily offended. Mostly they use it for college kids and people on social media who get triggered by certain words or attitudes. Of course, like so many other things, this is projection from the right. While they are mostly correct about the oversensitivity by some on the left they are also easily triggered by certain attitudes and groups of people themselves.

But, in my mind snowflakery has somewhat evolved into this attitude-a culture really- of people who don't feel they should ever be challenged and their opinions are exempt from any scrutiny or analysis. This isn't partisan or even generational. It has just become to some degree a norm.

This is most prevalent on social media, of course. Like many people I spend time (too much time honestly) on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Many people express their opinions about an array of topics. A significant chunk espouse their political thoughts. Some of those thoughts and opinions are provocative and controversial. We live in a very polarized country.

However, here is what I have noticed occurring more and more. People will post an opinion or share a meme that is almost guaranteed to elicit a passionate response or at least stir some emotions within people. Somebody or somebodies will post an opposing comment and the author loses their shit over it. Often times other people who agree with the post will become angry with the opposing viewpoint also.

Now, if it ended there, while the anger at an opposing viewpoint could be problematic, it would be fine. It doesn't though. Way too frequently responses include telling the dissenters they have no right to speak or attacking the dissenters and not their arguments. A common refrain is "This is my page and I can say what I want! I don't want any arguments." Or, my personal favorite, people will just block or unfriend anyone who disagrees with them. So infantile.

Here is the issue. If you post a political or even sports related or cultural opinion or state something as fact (especially without corroboration or a cited reference) on a public platform in a public manner you should reasonably expect somebody may disagree and express that disagreement. 

A bigger issue for me is if you're stating an opinion that presumably you believe to be correct why is someone contradicting that opinion so triggering? Who cares? Listen to what their argument is and debunk it or counter it. 

Instead what I have witnessed several people do is essentially censor the comments. They will either attempt to bully people. Or, they might just delete the disagreeing comment or block the person. It is so childish and petty.

What I have learned is why the reason people who act this way do so. More often than not they won't defend whatever they said because they cannot. 

Their opinion isn't so much an conviction or value belief as it is reactionary. They comment on topics they haven't given more than two minutes thought. And, frankly, in some cases two minutes is way too generous. Their thoughts are purely based upon ideological pablum and groupthink.

Because of this they are unequipped to respond with any semblance of intelligence and analysis. And, when they see the person contradicting them came loaded with facts and forethought they become triggered.

I also believe some people who believe there should be no pushback on anything they say  are simply delusional. Especially the younger they are they've grown up in this era where they have had it drilled into them no matter what they say or think it's special because they are unique. They are told there are no stupid questions and adjacently no stupid statements. But, that is not true. There are plenty of stupid statements and questions. Just because you say something doesn't mean it is  "a truth" or special or above critique. Sorry. That is insane.

Are we really supposed to listen to Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) say that maybe his mask gave him the 'Rona and give that any credence? Of course not! That is an objectively stupid statement.

We have become this society where not only the slightest incident or actual innocent slip of the tongue triggers us but we believe that we should say whatever we want and offer any opinion with no pushback or disagreement or fact check. The art of dialogue and debate has been suppressed. This is not good for a healthy democracy.

 Debate and dissent were not only placed into the Constitution by the Founding Fathers but encouraged.

It astounds me how so many people are willing to freely offer up opinions but possess no desire to defend them. They babble on and on about free speech but are so quickly willing to stifle someone else's free speech. Whenever they comment on another individual's post and receive pushback they lament how civility and debate have been exorcised from society but will block a mofo in a hot second if they don't like what they say. Just mind-boggling.

It is pure snowflakery. They literally want to make their free public page on a free public platform a safe space. Almost as if it were a college campus or something.

Finally, the real rub of all this is people like this actually have means available to create the safe space they so obviously desire. This is especially true on Facebook. They can set the guidelines of their page to protect them from any mean people who dare to disagree with them.

First, they can  make their post private. They can set it up where only the people they think will agree with them will see it. If they want further insurance, they can disable comments. To really ensure they get stroked they can make the post unshareable.

Problem solved! They can create their own circle jerk and information bias loop.

But, most people won't do that. Why? Because, they want everyone to see their posts. They just don't want dissent. They want their ego stroked by receiving all positive comments and a plethora of  "likes" and "loves". Simple as that.

It is pathetic and sad. If people want to be liked, do what millions of other folks do and only post pics of their kids, pets and funny memes. But, if they step into these Facebook and Twitter political and sports streets, they better be prepared to start dodging bullets (metaphorically speaking of course) because I assure you they will be coming.

People have to stop being snowflakes about everything. Yes, we are all unique but their ass isn't special to everyone. Hate to be the bearer of bad news but most people don't give a f*** about most other people! These folks' narcissism isn't their friend. Just because they think the sun rises and sets on them doesn't mean everyone else thinks so.

Perhaps most importantly is just because someone disagrees about an idea or a policy doesn't mean it should be taken as a personal affront. Seriously! Grow the hell up! Not everyone is going to agree with you. That is life.

And, I can already hear some assclown right now, "Well, I don't care what other people think." Ok. Does it ever occur to these tools that maybe those other people don't care what they think but it doesn't stop these tools from publicly expressing their opinions? Lawd Jesus! People frustrate me!

Several reasons exist for the breakdown in public discourse currently taking place. One of them (and perhaps the most important) is people don't listen to each other nor do they want to. As the saying goes, "People don't want to hear your opinion. They want to hear their opinion coming out of your mouth." That is an issue.

Truth is the problems here are so layered. But, what it might all come down to is in the current society so many people are anti-intellectual and anti-learning. Some of this due to laziness. Some of it, frankly, is due to people thinking they know everything or enough so they don't want to learn. As a result they cannot see that having discussions and debates with other people provide the opportunity to learn and grow. Also, being challenged allows one to sharpen and strengthen their convictions and thoughts.

Again though, therein lies the rub. So many people aren't convicted. They are reactionary.

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NEW VIDEO! R. Kelly is a trash human being. Why are we still giving him space?!